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Play Areas for Children on Farms – Safety Should be the Focus to Prevent Child Injuries on Farms

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Recently, a new interactive Web tool has been designed to aid those families that live on farms in obtaining information on what to consider when designing or constructing a play area for their children on the farm. The guide highlights key elements of injury prevention such as fencing, ground cover, supervision and proper distancing between play structures. If you would like to visit this interactive guide please see Create your own play area that is safe for you children.

Most childhood personal injuries sustained on farms occur when the children are actually with their parents in work area, either helping with chores or playing. If you live on a farm and have children, keep your child out of areas such as agricultural worksites and away from machinery, motor vehicles and open water. Doing so can save your child’s life. According to statistics a child dies every 3 1/2 days on U.S. farms and annually more than 3,000 children under the age of 10 are injured. If you would like to read more on this story please see Prevent your child from sustaining personal injuries on farms.

Child personal injuries can be avoided by parents taking extra precautions. One key element to preventing your child from sustaining personal injuries is supervision. Always be aware of where your child is whether it be at the playground, park, beach, or other place.

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