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Incidents of Child Eye Injuries Increase Over the Summer Months

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney & David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Doctors in Texas believe that incidents of child eye injuries increase during the summer months. Doctors in Permian Basin said it could be anything from the lack of adult supervision to the lack of safety eye wear that contributes to an increase of child injuries under the age of 16.

Isai Garay, 12-years-old, lost his vision in one of his eyes due to a BB Gun accident at a friend’s house. He was cleaning the gun and thought it was unloaded. Garay pulled the trigger and the be-be came out, which caused him to go legally blind in one eye. His mother, Maria Garay, said that the thought of her son not being able to see out of one eye gave her chills. Doctor Gerado Escobedo performed cataract surgery on Garay, which helped him to see again.

Garay was one of the hundreds of children that come to the clinic during the summer with eye-related injuries. Doctors said there is a five percent increase during the summer with cases involving eye injuries similar to Garay. Escobedo said that sports injuries are also reasons for eye-related injuries. He said, “Most of the time you don’t wear something until you have an eye poked out.” Fortunately, 90 percent of these eye injuries can be prevented if proper safety precautions are taken. For more information on this topic, see Child Eye Injury Increase During the Summer 7/22/11.

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