
Concussions – Michigan High School Athletic Associates Sets New Policies and Procedures for Safety of Student Athletes

By Andrew Prine, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Vicksburg High School’s head football coach, Tom Marchese believes that concussions are more serious than most people think, especially because concussions have long-term effects. Marchese may be on to something. New studies reveal that repeated concussions may cause permanent brain damage that eventually shows up with symptoms such as depression, chronic headaches, early-onset dementia, and/or adult-onset attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Because of the seriousness of concussions and in attempt to protect it teens and younger child athletes, the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) is making “one of the biggest rule changes ever.” Starting this fall, athletes in any sport who show signs of a concussion during a game must be pulled from play and evaluated by a doctor. If a doctor is not immediately available or the doctor has concluded that the athlete did sustain a concussion, the athlete will have to sit out for the rest of the game. And, in either case, the student athlete will not be able to return to play until the athlete gets a doctor’s written permission to resume play. If you would like to read more about this story see MHSAA sets stricter rules for athletes with concussions.

Teenagers and younger children are especially vulnerable physically. Therefore, concussions can have more dramatic effects upon these younger individuals than adults. It is a good start that MHSAA is taking these extra precautions and protecting student athletes.

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