
Discipline and Strip Searches in Schools – Drug Policy and Discipline

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Schools in Arizona and other States have a balancing act to perform every day. Administrators and teachers must balance safety / order with the constitutional rights of the students. Savana Redding, a former student at Safford Middle School in Arizona, was strip searched in the school when Savana was in eighth grade. Savana is now 19 years old. School officials suspected that Savana had Ibuprofen. The search yielded no drugs whatsoever. After all of these years, Savana’s case is still pending. School officials questioned Savana and then performed the search when another student claimed that Savana gave the student prescription strength Ibuprofen. Savana sued the Safford School District. A court later determined that Savana’s constitutional rights were violated and she was entitled to compensation for her damages. You can read more about this case and other cases involving searches in schools at Strip Searches in Schools – Student Rights and Causes of Action.

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