
Fifth Grader Dies at Recess After Blocking Football Punt in Lake Oswego, Orgeon: Playground and Recess Injuries and Deaths

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

A Lake Oswego, Orgeon Fifth Grader died after blocking a football punt at recess. The boy collapsed immediately and could not breathe. See Fifth Grader Dies from Recess Football Punt. This shocking and unexpected incident ended the life of the Fifth Grader. In Oregon and other States, accidents and incidents involving child injury and death take place every day on playgrounds and recess areas at schools, child care facilities, and day care facilities. Some injuries are preventable with safety measures and proper supervision. Others are just freak or unexpected incidents that unfortunately result in injuries and some times death to the child. When children are at recess, free play or physical education in schools, it is important that the children get appropriate supervision, use appropriate equipment, and play with children of their age and size. It is also important for the school, day care facility, or child care facility to properly maintain and keep in good repair all play and recess areas including slides, swings, monkey bars, carousels, ladders, bridges, and other sports and playground equipment and structures.

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