
GPS Tracking of Child in Day Care Centers – Is This the Wave of the Future?

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Tragically, day care centers in the United States have, at times, left children in vans, buses, and at parks on field trips. There is available technology that can help track the whereabouts of a child enrolled in a day care center. Some parents and privacy rights advocates may have a problem with GPS tracking and the technology involved in the same. Other parents and child safety advocates applaud the use of technology as long as it promotes the safety and well being of the children. It should be pointed out that technology is no substitute for proper adult supervision of children; however, additional tools and technology should be utilized if it improves and enhances the supervision in place. It was reported that a day care center in Sweden is using GPS technology to track children enrolled in the day care center. See Swedish Day Care Center Uses Technology to Track Whereabouts of Children.

Unfortunately, with or without the presence of technology, children suffer personal injuries in day care centers when there is a lack of proper supervision and when the regulations are not followed. Safety should always be job one for a day care provider. It is an important responsibility to be entrusted with the safety and well being of a child. If one accepts this responsibility, everything possible and reasonable should be done to supervise the children and keep them out of harm’s way.

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