
Helmet to Helmet Play Leads to Serious Head Injury and Death for High School Football Player

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

An Oswego County, New York high school student died from injuries suffered in a high school football game. Ridge M. Barden, a 16 year old student at Birdlebough High school, suffered severe head trauma when he made helmet- to – helmet contact with another football player. Braden complained of a severe headache and collapsed on the field shortly after the collision. School officials and paramedics were on the scene and transported the teen to a local Syracuse, New York hospital about 30 minutes away. Braden’s condition worsened during transport. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The autopsy of the teen revealed that he suffered a massive sub-dural bleed after colliding with another football player. The police has ruled this tragic death as an accident.

When your child plays an organized sport it is important that they always wear the sport specific equipment. The equipment should fit properly and be inspected for defects. If your child suffers a blow to the head, make sure that they are checked out by the sports medical team. The organization sponsoring the sporting event should have a well established emergency plan to deal with this type of head injury. Helmet- to- helmet contact is no longer accepted in the National Football league. Professional football players have received large fines for violating this rule. Make sure you child understands the risks of helmet- to – helmet contact. For more information see, Helmet to Helmet Play Leads to Serious Head Injury and Death For High School Football Player.

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