
Illinois Day Care Center / Child Centers – What Standards Apply for Indoor and Outdoor Play Materials and Equipment?

By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Illinois and other States, children are injured in day care centers every day. Many injuries would have been prevented if the day care center properly supervised the children and properly maintained the facility, play materials, equipment, and furnishings. Pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Code, Title 89 – Social Services – Chapter III Department of Children & Family Services Rules (including licensing standards) Subchapter E (Requirements for Licensure) Part 407 – Section 407.380, equipment and materials for both indoor and/or outdoor use shall be appropriate for the age and developmental needs of the children. Play materials shall be safe, durable, and free from hazardous chemicals, sharp edges, rough edges, and toxic paint. Day care center caregivers and administrators should think safety before an incident ever takes place. It should not take a personal injury or wrongful death of a child in an Illinois day care center for a facility to wake up and start working on its safety measures, policies, or procedures. If a child suffers personal injuries in an Illinois day care center, it is often helpful to have the advice and representation from an Illinois child injury lawyer / attorney to review the day care records, rules and regulations, medical records, and bills. Parents of an injured child deserve legal representation to make sure that compensation is duly paid and to help prevent injuries or incidents from taking place in the future to other children in the day care center.

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