
Keeping Children Safe in Georgia Day Care Centers / Child Care Centers – Safety Regulations

By Stephanie Brown and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Georgia, day care centers / child care centers have a duty to provide a safe physical environment for the children. These regulations, if followed, help prevent serious personal injuries and death to children in Georgia day care centers. Pursuant to Chapter 290 -2-2.12 (z) Physical Environment and Equipment, a Georgia day care center shall keep the following items / areas locked and away from access from children in the day care center:

1. All potentially hazardous equipment. This would include but would not be limited to garden & lawn tools, maintenance and cleaning equipment, sharp items, sharp utensils, engines, motorized equipment, and other equipment that could potentially harm a child in the day care center;

2. Non food related items under a pressurized container with aerosol dispensing cans. This would include cleaning supplies, deodorant, cleaners, and other items.

3. Flammable Liquids & Materials. This would, of course, include gasoline, oils, paint thinners, chemicals and anything that could ignite or worsen a fire;

4. Corrosive materials. This would include a wide array of chemicals that could harm a child if it came in contact with skin and / or was ingested by the child in the day care center;

5. Cleaning Supplies. This would chroline, detergent, Windex, amonia, and any other cleaning supplies that clearly are not appropriate for the use, play, or ingestion of a child in the day care center;

6. Insecticides. Insecticides can, of course, be highly poisonous and toxic for a child.

7. Poisons. If something does not fit under the above definitions but is poisonous or potentially harmful to the child, it should be kept out of the reach of a child in a day care center;

8. Office supplies. Office supplies can include a wide array of items. Something that seems like a common object can cause personal injuries or death to a child. For instance, the ingestion of a staple or lead can be extremely harmful for a child in the day care center;

9. Industrial sized or commercial buckets of 3 gallons or more and similar items. The purpose of this section is to keep these items away from children. If filled, a child can drown in a bucket of this size. A child can also fall into a bucket of this size and sustain injuries or suffocations. Big buckets and containers of this nature are very dangerous to children and should be secured away from their use, curiosity, and play according to the Rules and Regulations for the State of Georgia.

You can read more about the Physical Environment and Equipment Rules and Regulations for Georgia Day Care Centers at the Official Site for the State of Georgia Rules and Regulations.

It is important for the Georgia day care center to follow the regulations. If there is a question about the regulations and a child injury in a day care center in Georgia, it may be helpful to consult with a Child Injury Lawyer to determine rights, responsibilities, and causes of actions for such an injury.

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