
Manhattan New York Day Care Center Was a “Drug Den” According to Prosecutors

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Manhattan, New York, the Office of Special Narcotics arrested Akwasiba Radellant, age 36, for running a drug den out of an apartment that also served as a day care center. Ms. Radellant, of course, is entitled to representation from a private criminal defense attorney or the public defender. Ms. Radellant claims that the marijuana did not belong to her and she had no knowledge of its presence in her apartment. Prosecutors, however, believe that Ms. Radellant was involved and had knowledge of the drugs in the apartment since a digital scale was obtained as evidence. In addition, plastic bags were covering windows to the apartment as well. Ultimately, this case will result in a plea deal or a trial. The evidence and witness statements must be analyzed by each side to determine how the case will be pursued or defended.

Day care centers in New York and other States should be a haven of safety and education for children. Drug dealing or use near children can lead to dangerous and disastrous consequences. Day care operators should take all reasonable efforts to act in the best interests of children under their care. You can read more about this story at Manhattan Day Care Center Was Drug Den: Prosecutors.

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