
Michigan Judge to Sentence Small Creek Township Man for Indecent Exposure at a Car Wash

By Andrew Prine, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

As parents, we all do our best to shield our children from dangers and indecent acts to the best of our ability. We can control, to some extent, what our children watch on television and where they go. Unfortunately, there are people out there in Michigan and elsewhere who do very strange things in public places. At times, children are exposed to such conduct. The criminal defendant was observed a a car wash and seemed to be up to suspicious activity. A Thomas Township, Michigan police officer parked near the area and then approached the criminal defendant on foot and caught the criminal defendant in the act of committing a sex time act with a car wash vacuum. You can read more about this story at Caught in Vacuum – Michigan Judge to Sentence Man for Indecent Exposure.

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