
New York Rear End Accident Leads to Death of Driver Who Crashed into School Bus

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

While doing charitable work, delivering meals to the elderly in New York, 61 year old Ronald Marcink struck the rear of a school bus and died. Fortunately, the school bus had no students at the time and the bus driver was not injured. So it was a strange twist of fate that while helping the elderly, Mr. Marcink lost his own life, and yet by luck, his accident, which could have been catastrophic, injured no one else.

It is amazing how many accidents involve yellow school buses. While there are thousands of school buses on our roads in New York and other States, it is still amazing how many drivers are not paying attention and crash into the yellow school buses. Anytime you are on the road – be careful and on the lookout for pedestrians, bicyclists, other motorists, and, yes, yellow school buses. You can read more about the unfortunate death of Ronald Marcink at Crash into School Bus Leads to Death of New York Man.

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