
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Day Care Center Cited for Sex Concerns Among Children – Importance of Proper Day Care Supervision

By Roy S. Dickinson, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, a day care center that part of a national chain of cay care centers (La Petite Academy) has been cited by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) for a lack of supervision of the children. It was reported that a number of children were victims of improper touching and other inappropriate acts with other children. The lack of supervision appears to have played a role in the number of incidents and the fact that children were not better protected from engaging in or being subject to such conduct.

Parents should have confidence in a day care center like La Petite Academy that their children are being cared for a safe and secure environment. No parent thinks or would expect a child to be subject to abuse, neglect, or improper touching in a day care center that has a duty under Oklahoma law to protect and properly supervise the children. Unfortunately, many day care centers fail to provide necessary supervision to prevent a child from being subjected to physical and / or psychological personal injuries while in a day care center.

You can read more about this story at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Day Care Center Cited in Sex Concerns Must Offer Fix.

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