
Question: Can a Day Care Center or After School Program Be Sued for Child Injuries Caused by Another Child? Answer: Yes

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Question: Can a Day Care Center or After School Program Be Sued for Child Injuries Caused by Another Child in an After School Program? Answer: Yes. When a child is enrolled in school or an after school program, the school has a duty to provide adequate and appropriate supervision of the children participating in school and after school activities. The four basic elements of a legal case against an school or after school program typically consist of the following:

1. Duty;
2. Breach of Duty;
3. Causation; and
4. Damages

Each case should be evaluated on its own facts and circumstances. When a child suffers personal injuries due to a lack of supervision, improper manintenance, and / or other causes, a parent should contact a Child Injury Lawyer for advice, consultation, and potential legal representation on behalf of the injured child.

A lawsuit against a school district was reported in Georgia in which a family sued the school district for injuries to their child due to improper supervision. The incident involved one child running into another child at an Ice Cream Social. See Georgia Lawsuit Filed for Personal Injuries at School.

The book titled – The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on School Injuries, Day Care Center Injuries, Playground Injuries,and other topics. You can receive this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury.

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