
Study Shows Disadvantaged and Special Needs Children More Likely to Be Suspended or Expelled

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

While the total number of children being suspended or expelled has actually dropped in recent years, a study from Great Britain shows that children with special needs, those who qualify for free lunch programs, and those from ethnic minorities are sent home eight times more often than their peers. The study also noted that boys were three times more likely than girls to be suspended or expelled from school.

While this study was done in Great Britain, it would not be surprising to see the same trend in schools in the United States. Children with special needs and those from economically challenged families are often more likely to have disciplinary problems, and schools and teachers that are ill-prepared to handle them often resort to expulsion rather than taking the time and care needed to educate these children.

Find out more about this story at Special needs children excluded eight times more often.</a

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