
Traumatic Brain Injuries – Youth Basketball – Risks of the Sport to Children

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

New research, conducted by researchers with the Center for Injury Research and Police at Nationwide’s Children Hospital, suggested a dramatic increase in the number of youth athletes in the US who have sustained basketball-related traumatic brain injuries. For example, Nationwide’s Children Hospital reported a 70% increase between 1997 and 2007 in children who were treated in the emergency room for brain injuries that occurred while playing basketball.

According to researchers, about 375,350 basketball-related injuries requiring medical attention occur each year. The most common injuries including strains and sprains to the lower parts of the body and broken or dislocated bones in the upper-half of the body. The researchers also suggest that younger children are more susceptible to suffer traumatic brain injury than the older youth athletes. If you would like to read more details on this study please see Basketball-related injuries may cause traumatic brain damage to youth athletes.

Awareness about personal injuries suffered by student athletes while engaged in physical sports is increasing. If you have a child who is involved in any athletic sport it is important to be aware of the dangers associated with that sport and sports-related injuries in general. Children are more susceptible to incurring severe personal injuries and brain trauma because their bodies are not fully developed – this is especially true regarding youth athletes and concussions. Therefore, if your child does incur a sport-related injury it is important not to downplay the injury. Seek out a doctor or someone with medical expertise so you know the full extent of your child’s injury. Also, be alert for any symptoms that may indicate your child has suffered a sports-related personal injury: ask how he or she is feeling, whether it is difficult to concentrate, does he or she feel nauseous and/or dizzy, etc. As a parent, becoming aware of the possible dangers associated with youth sports will increase the safety of your child and reduce the risk that he or she suffers severe personal injuries or brain trauma.

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