
Utah Considering Relaxing Child Safety Seat Laws

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

The Utah Highway Patrol reported recently that a three year old child was sent to the hospital in critical condition after she was ejected from an SUV in a rollover crash. According to officers at the scene, all other passengers in the car were wearing seatbelts, and were not thrown from the car; the child in a booster seat prior to the rollover accident.

The terrible accident comes as the Utah legislature is debating a proposal to relax current child safety seat legislation. The child advocacy manager for Children’s Medical Center, Janet Brooks, says she opposes the bill. She believes that many lives will be saved by children riding in safety or booster car seats.

Provo, Utah Representative Chris Herrod introduced the bill, which relaxes child safety seat requirements for short trips. He stated that he would rather have his child ride home with a friend who did not have a child safety seat than to have his child walk home alone.

A Utah House committee has passed the bill, and it will go to the full house soon. Find out more about the proposed safety seat bill at Utah House panel favors bill relaxing child safety seat law.

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