
What Are the Duties of a Day Care Center and Babysitter as to Window Safety?

By Jeremy Vishno, Attorney, and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In many homes, day care centers, schools, and other locations, there is a danger present for children. Simply enough, the danger presents itself in the form of an open window or a window that can be opened by a child. Whether the child crawls out a first story window or higher window, the danger is present. A child can suffer fractures, lacerations, and head injuries from a fall out of a window. Because of the risks and dangers of windows, it is vital that all child care providers including babysitters, relatives, parents, neighbors, coaches, day care centers, and schools properly secure windows accessible to children. A safety check should be performed and recommendations should be made as to all windows and doors in the building, facility, or home.

The book titled – The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on Day Care Center Injuries, School Injuries, Homeowner’s Insurance, and other topics. You can get this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury.

In Hartford Connecticut, a 2 year old boy was injured when he fell from a window while under the care of babysitter. The boy got out onto the roof and then fell. He suffered significant injuries including a fractured skull. The babysitter was charged by local enforcement regarding the incident. Of course, the babysitter is entitled to representation by a criminal defense attorney for the public defender regarding these criminal charges. See Child Falls in Connecticut – Importance of Safety and Supervision.

The incident reported in Connecticut helps illustrate the importance of window safety and consistent supervision when children are present.

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