
What If My Child Is Injured as a Result of an Accidental or Random Shooting Incident?

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Indiana and other States, children are the unfortunate victims of accidental or random shootings. When there is a shooting of this nature that results in personal injuries, a parent often times has many questions about the righfs of the injured child. Certainly, the shooter, if he or she can be identified, should face some kind of criminal charges depending on the facts and circumstances of the shooting. The decision as to the type of prosecution is left to the local police department and the office of the prosecutor / State Attorney. The family of the injured child may also be able to pursue an injury case for compensation against the shooter, gun owner, property owner, and possibly others. In a civil case, the family of the child will have the burden of proving that there was negligence or fault of one or more of the Defendants that caused or led to the shooting incident. One practical problem with many shooting cases is the lack of liability insurance. Typically, intentional acts are not covered by insurance. Some insurance policies may also exclude firearm or gun incidents from the insurance policies. Because of the complexity of these cases, it is often helpful to have the services of a Child Injury Lawyer for advice, consultation, and legal representation.

A recent random or drive by shooting was reported in Indianapolis, Indianda. It was reported that there were 25 – 30 children playing near the Villages of Mill Crossing Apartments in Indianapolis, Indiana when a vehicle pulled up and then a man began to open file. One of the children was shot in the back. Police are investigating this incident and hopefully will bring the gunman to justice. You can read more about this story at Drive By Shooting Reported near Apartment Complex in Indianapolis Indiana.

If you have questions about a child injury caused by a shooting or other incident, contact a Child Injury Lawyer for a free consultation.

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