
3 Year Old Child Left on School Bus While Driver Ran Errands

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In New Hampshire and other states, school bus drivers have a duty to provide for proper safety and supervision of children. Children should not be left unattended or unsupervised at any time. This procedure or policy is part of the policy manual for many school districts and school boards as well as for many private bus companies. These policies are in place because children who are left unattended or unsupervised on a school bus are at higher risk for serious personal injury In Sommersworth, New Hampshire, a 3 year old boy was left unattended on a school bus while the school driver ran errands. The child was locked on the bus and left alone for 45 minutes. The school bus driver was later disciplined for the terrible lapse in judgment. Fortunately, the child did not suffer any serious physical injuries from being left on the bus. You can read about this story at New Hampshire 3 Year Old Left on Bus While Bus Driver Ran Errands.

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