
BB Guns Can Cause Serious Injuries – Importance of Gun / Toy Safety and Homeowner’s Insurance Coverage

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Many children and parents believe that a BB gun is a toy and posed no real danger to children. Many child safety advocates would disagree. In Logansport, Indiana, a 6 year old girl suffered personal injuries when she was accidentally shot in the head by a BB gun at a younger friend’s house. The younger friend was only 3 years old. Lt. Cathi Collins with the Logansport Police Department reported that the 6 year old (Ariana Roman) was be treated and monitored at the Fort Wayne Hospital – Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The BB gun shot incident caused damage to an artery in the brain and a skull fracture. The BB gun at issue was placed on a shelf but was still within reach of the children.

When there is an injury that takes place at another person’s home, a personal injury claim can be pursued against the homeowner’s insurance policy where the incident took place. The coverage or non-coverage of the personal injuries will depend on the language of the insurance policy and any exclusions that may be part of the policy. If a firearm or BB gun injury is accidental, most homeowner’s policies will cover the resulting injuries. You can read more about homeowner’s insurance claims and child injuries in the book – “>The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child What Every Parent Should Know. You can receive a free copy of this book by clicking here.

A BB gun should be safeguarded similar to other firearms and weapons. Parents should safety secure BB guns and other items that may cause harm to a young child. It is well know that children lack safety awareness and good judgment. Because of this, it is vital that BB guns be removed from the home or at least stored safety away from the reach of children.

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