
Colorado Man Arrested for Leaving Child Unattended in Bathtub – Child Drowned

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Colorado and other states, just a few minutes or more of inattention can lead to serious child personal injuries and, in some instances, wrongful death. In Denver, Colorado, a 7 month old baby died while his father was taking out the trash. As a result of this incident, the Denver Colorado District Attorney’s Office has charged the father (Thomas Ashley) with child abuse. Mr. Ashley was bathing his son but left his son in the water while he made a telephone call and took out the trash. Firefighters were called to the scene; however, their efforts were not enough to save this child from this most unfortunate and preventable death. Stories like this show the important of supervision of children especially around water including bathing time. Mr. Ashley could have taken the telephone call later and the garbage certainly could have waited. Parents – keep on task when bathing a child. As you can see, it is very dangerous to multi task when bathing a child. You can read this story at Colorado Child Dies from Drowning As Father Takes Out Trash.

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