
Dog Fighting and Child Day Care – A Dangerous Combination – Chicago Area Day Care Center Shut Down

By David M. Baum, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Illinois and other States, it is vital that day care owners provide for the safety and well being of the children. Day care centers have a duty to remove hazards from the facility. In Chicago, a day care center was recently shut down. Police officials determined that the day care center was a site for dog fighting. Obviously, the day care operators or employees put profit and sport over any concerns for the safety of the children in the day care center. It is truly amazing and frightening that people would conduct a dog fighting ring / operation in the same location as a day care center. Investigators, who raided the location of the day care center, found battered, injured, and malnourished dogs as well as blood stains on the carpet right near where children were being cared for. At the time of the raid, there were 10 children in the day care center. A spokesman, with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, reported that the day care center was shut down. You can read more about this story at Chicago, Illinois Day Care Center Shut Down Due to Safety Concerns / Dog Fighting Ring.

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