
Infants in Wisconsin and Other States at Risks for Personal Injuries and Accidental Death When Co-Sleeping with Parents or Others

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In yet another case of unfortunate and preventable deaths, a two month old baby has died due to being smothered while sleeping with an adult. For the third time in two months, an infant has died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a result of what is known as co-sleeping or bed-sharing. The Milwaukee Health Department has documented that between 2004 and 2007, 72 of 120 Milwaukee infants who have died have done so when sharing a bed with parents, other children or caregivers. Due to the growing concern of this phenomenon and the recent deaths, the City of Milwaukee Health Department has launched a safe sleep awareness campaign by posting a demonstration on YouTube, preparing videos. issuing guidelines for safe sleep and preparing pamphlets for distribution.

You can read more about co-sleeping and the associated risks and dangers at Infants at Risks for Injury When Co-Sleeping with Parents or Caregivers.

The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends that infants not share a bed with others, due to established hazards and concerns. You can read safety tips and recommendations at Safe Sleeping Recommendations for Infants.

There is no doubt that alcohol or drug use by adults is often an issue in these infant deaths with adults being impaired and not sufficiently aware of their actions.

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