
New York Mother, Who Drowned and Killed Three Children, Pleads Guilty by Reason of Mental Disease or Defect

By Steven Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Mothers are supposed to care and protect their children – not drown and kill them. Tragically, Leatrice Brewer, age 28, did just that. Leatrice Brewer pleaded guilty by reason of mental defect or diseased for crimes committed against her children. Instead of going to prison for life, she will be sent to a psychiatric facility – possibly for life. Psychiatrists diagnosed Brewer with a major depressive disorder when she killed her children. Supposedly, Brewer thought that her criminal acts were saving her children from the dangers of voo doo.

The father of two of the children was not pleased with the plea deal. He is also suing the county officials over the wrongful death of his children. The father, Innocent Demesyeux, stated that the mother should have been judged by a jury of her peers rather than be able to plea out and get sent to a psychiatric facility.

You can read more about this story at Mother Who Killed Three Children Gets Sent to Psychiatric Facility.

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