
Texas Child Protective Services (CPS) Launches Website to Help Parents Research Day Care Centers

By Robert Chaiken, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

There are many factors that parents should consider when sending their children to a day care center. A website is located at The website provides parents with valuable information regarding Texas day care centers and child care centers. It has information on day care centers located in cities and towns in the State of Texas. By typing in a city’s zip code or the center’s name, anyone can find the information they need about the particular day care center they are researching. Once on the site, a person can research inspections performed at any center and if the center was given any citations. Reports done by the inspectors are also available.
In addition to researching the center, Texas Chid Protective Services recommends touring the facility before choosing which day care to send your child. CPS also says that babysitters may have to be licensed depending on how many children are being cared for and if the child is related to the sitter or not.

Because of the economy and the family dynamic, many parents have no other choice but to engage the services of a day care center or child care center. While government regulations and inspections can help weed out dangerous or non-compliant day care centers, parents should always be diligent in pre-screening the day care center on their own and then continue their due diligence on a frequent basis while the child is enrolled in the day care center. A parent should try to visit the day care center at different times of the day and get to know each person providing care to the child in the Texas day care center.

For more information, see “CPS: Don’t Be In the Dark.”

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