
Lake Elisnore, California Day Care Center Shut Down – Marijuana and Bomb Making Have No Place in a Day Care Center

By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In California and other States, day care centers should be places of safety and education for children. Day care centers should not be places for illegal drugs or bomb making materials. The California Inland Island Child Care Regional Office recently ordered the closure of a day care center with such criminal activities. The Kuzelka family operated a day care center but did not limit their business or entrepreneur activities to child care. Law enforcement officials found bomb making materials and marijuana at the home / day care center as part of an investigation following a report that Benjamin Kuzelka blew off most of his hand Wednesday night with a liquid explosive that he was making in his garage.

It is abundantly clear that bomb making materials and illegal drugs can lead to dangerous incidents and personal injuries involving children. Criminal activities often times lead to violence, altercations, stabbings, and shootings. Furthermore, the volatile nature of bomb making materials can lead to explosions that can pose a danger to children.

You can read more about this story at Day Care Center Closed After Incident In Which Man Lost Most of His Hand From Bomb Making Materials.

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