
Santa Clara, California School Nurse (Eileen Bowden) Collapses and Dies After Performing CPR on Heart Attack Victim

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

In Santa Clara, California and other States, school nurse perform a vital function every day. They are there to help supervise, examine, and care for school children. At times, teachers, administrators, school employees, parents, and visitors need the assistance and expertise of a school nurse while on school grounds. Eileen Bowden, a school nurse, collapsed and died after she helped save someone’s life. She was called into action when a man needed help at a school function. Eileen along with another person administered CPR. The incident took place at the Santa Clara (California) High School. Ms. Bowden helped save softball coach John Rahbar.

Ms. Bowden’s last act of her life saved the life of another person. She was a school nurse for many years and undoubtedly had a positive and lasting effect on many people including Coach Rahbar.

When you next see a school nurse, thank the nurse for his or her service and let the school nurse know how important the school nurse is to the children, school staff, and community.

You can read more about this story at California High School nurse helps to save man’s life, but loses her own.

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