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Risks of Guns to Children: What Gun Safety Tips Should Gun Owners Follow in Georgia and Other States?

By Scott Zahler, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


In Georgia and other States, gun ownership is common and prevalent throughout communities large and small. There are rights to gun ownership that were set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Yes, there is a right to gun ownership but there are also responsibilities especially as they pertain to the safety and well being of children. Ron Scroggy is the Director of the Department Human Resources – Division of Family & Children Services in the State of Georgia. Mr. Scroggy published an article which was posted at the WTVM – Channel 9 website with some helpful tips and recommendations as to gun safety. See Gun Safety Tips and the Dangers of Guns to Children.

If a child is injured as a result of an accidental shooting, there may be liability to the homeowner and gun owner if safety precautions were not taken as to gun storage and safekeeping. Children are curious by nature and a gun should not be left out for children to handle, play with, or explore. A child – a gun – and no supervision are ingredients for danger and can result in serious personal injuries and even the wrongful death of a child. Mr. Scroggy recommends the following:

Lock guns up away from access or reach from children;

Store ammunition and firearms / guns separate from each other;

Hide or maintain sole possession of the keys to locked areas / safes where guns are stores; and

Educate children about the dangers of guns and that they are “hands off”.

Most gun owners are quite responsible but even one small mistake or lapse in judgment can result in a tragedy. Gun owners and homeowners with guns in them should be consistent and diligent in safeguarding guns away from children.

The book titled – The ABCs of Child Injury – Legal Rights of the Injured Child – What Every Parent Should Know – has chapters on Homeowner’s Insurance, School Injuries, Day Care Center Injuries, Automobile Accidents, Medical Treatment and Bills, and other topics. You can receive this book for free at The ABCs of Child Injury.

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