By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog

When a person is injured at a theme park or amusement park, there are many questions or issues sthat arise including but not limited to the following:
When was the ride last inspected by the amusement park or theme park?
When was the ride last inspected by the state or regulatory agency in charge of overseeing amusement park or theme park rides?
When was the ride originally designed from an engineering standpoint?
What safety measures were provided in the design?
Were there any additional safety measures that could have been added to the ride?
Was video surveillance in place at the time of the incident or event?
How many ride operators were in place?
What were the manufacturer recommendations for the ride as to set up, safety measures, ride capacity, weight, and inspection?
Where there any mechcanical defects in the ride?
What was the repair or maintenance history for this ride?
Had other riders or guests be injured on this ride or a similar ride in the past?
If a person is injured as a guest or rider at a theme park or amusement park, the property owner or management company is not automatically liable for the personal injuries or death of the guests. In order to pursue a case or claim, one or more of the following must be shown or proved by the presentation of evidence to support the same:
There was a mechanical defect in the ride that the theme park or amusement park knew or should have known about.
There was a mechanical defect in the ride due to improper or insufficient maintenace and inspection.
The ride was unsafe for use at the time of the incident and action should have been taken to restrict or close down the ride.
There was an engineering or design problem with the ride that caused or contributed to the personal injuries or death of the guest or rider.
There was a lack of proper supervision by the ride operator that cause or contributed to the personal injuries or death of the guest or rider.
Cases involving theme park or amusement park related personal injuries or deaths can be quite complicated and technical. Because of this, it is important for the injured guest / rider OR the family of the injured guest / rider to contact a Personal Injury Lawyer for advice, consultation, guidance, and when appropriate legal representation.