June is National Safety Month. It marks a time of year in which safety is especially promoted from a multitude of organizations, businesses, schools, day care centers, municipalities, and states. Of coursee, safety should be a paramount concern and goal all year round. It is not just a June priority. It is a 365 priority. So, what is the leading cause of death of children? The answer is “Automobile Accidents”. It has been reported that the leading cause of death in children ages 5 to 24 is the automobile accident. Consider of moment, a family goes for a drive to school, the park, a movie, the mall, or grocery store. It is a sunny day and all is right in the world. Then, suddenly, there is a crash that not only ruins this bright sunny day but the lives of family members, friends, and a community. The of a child certainly leaves a lasting mark or scar that is never ever forgotten.