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Doctors Frequently Overlook or Miss Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


A medical study in Pediatrics – Delayed Identification of Pediatric Abuse– Related Fractures – reported that doctors often miss the signs of child abuse and neglect. The study found that doctors, especially those who were not pediatricians or pediatric specialist, often misdiagnosed child abuse type of fractures for accidental fractures. This was especially the case when the victim / patient was a boy. The report indicated that there was a delayed recognition of abusive fractures in children. When a child is abused or neglected, time is often of the essence in removing the child from a dangerous living environment or from the dangerous person whether it is a parent, teacher, child care giver, older sibling, or another child. You can read more about this study at Doctors Overlook Signs of Child Abuse.

Parents should seek medical attention from a pediatric specialist if possible when dealing with fractures that take place at day care centers, schools, and other areas. It is important for a parent to get a clear diagnosis of the injury including the probable cause of the injury.

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