
Articles Posted in Abuse & Neglect


Do Criminal Charges Need to be Filed to Pursue a Civil Case Against a Day Care Center for Abuse, Neglect, or Improper Punishment?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog Working parents and guardians rely upon day care centers to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children.  Unfortunately, at some day care centers, a day can be filled with neglect and abuse at the hands of the very caregivers responsible for…


What if a Child is Injured by a Babysitter? Can a Lawsuit be Filed?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog In North Carolina and other states, parents rely upon babysitters to provide supervision and care for children while the parents are at work or otherwise running errands for the family.  Most babysitters are caring individuals who put the necessary time and…


What are the Legal Rights of Children Molested, Assaulted or Abused at a Day Care Center?

By  David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Legal Rights of the Injured Child Across the nation, parents rely upon the facilities to supervise their children in an educational environment that is  clean, healthy, and supportive. Most day care centers and childcare providers do a wonderful job in…


What is a Strong Statement Against Corporal Punishment? Here is one by the National Football League.

 By David Wolf,  Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In professional sports, there is a wide gambit of behavior for coaches and players.   Many are wonderful role models who use their celebrity, good work, and inspiration to help others and improve the community and beyond.  Other professional athletes,…


What if a Child is Sexually Molested at a Day Care Center? (Rights, Causes of Action, and Proceedings)

By Jonathan Safran, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Wisconsin and other States, day care centers should be safe havens for children. They should be placed where children are well cared for in supportive, nurturing environment. Unfortunately, some day care center employees and volunteers…


What if a Child is Abused or Molested by Another Child in a Day Care Center?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network A day care center should be a safe haven for children. It should be a place where children learn and play in a supportive and nurturing environment. Certainly, a child should be free from abuse, neglect, and molestation while under…


Can a Teacher or Day Care Worker Be Arrested for Child Abuse / Corporal Punishment?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In Louisiana and other States, children are the unfortunate victims of abuse and neglect. The victimization of a child can take place at a home, relative’s home, friend’s home, in public, and, yes, even in a day care center. When…


Is a Day Care Center Liable When a Child is Molested or Assaulted by Another Child?

By <a href="Google“>David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network Parents rely on day care centers to provide a safe educational environment for children. Unfortunately, many children are harmed in the very place where they should be safe. In some instances, a child enrolled in a day care center…


What are the Legal Ramifications When a Babysitter Hits and Injures a Child?

By Steven R. Smith, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network In New York and other States, parents rely on family members, friends, neighbors, and others to serve as babysitters. While most babysitters are very caring individuals, there are some babysitters out there who lack the…


What Evidence Can be Presented to Prove the Abuse, Molestation, or Sexual Assault of a Child?

By David Wolf, Attorney Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network When a child is abused, molested, or assaulted, there can be legal consequences in the form of a criminal proceeding, administrative proceeding, and / or a civil proceeding. In each legal arena or court, proof or evidence will need to…

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