Articles Posted in Consumer Issues

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By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Children are transported every day on roads in New York, Pennsylvania, and other States. Two moms have a mission of getting the word out about C.H.A.D. (Children Have an IDentity) stickers which are “hot pink” stickers that can be placed on a baby seats, toddler seats, and even strollers for proper identification of children in case of an automobile accident or other medical problems by the driver or caregiver of the children in the vehicle. It is vital for children to be able to maintain their identity when transported to a hospital. The stickers also can contain vital information as to the child’s health status, medical condition, medications, and allergy information. By providing telephone numbers on the C.H.A.D. sticker, another parent, caregiver, or contact person can be telephoned for more information and to let that person know the status and location of the child. You can read more about the C.H.A.D. stickers at Assisting Kid’s Emergency Aid with Stickers.

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By Sara J. Powell, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Playground%20Monkey%20Bars%20and%20Play%20Injuries%20Personal%20Injuries.jpgArizona child care facilities / day care centers must comply with regulations and procedures set forth in the Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) Title 9 Health Services – Chapter 5 – Department of Health Services – Child Care Facilities. Pursuant to Section R9-5-604 – AAC – Outdoor Activity Areas, a child care facility / day care center has a duty to provide a playground or outdoor activity area for children enrolled in the day care program. A day care operator should not place the outdoor play activity in an area that requires children to cross a parking lot or street unless the operator obtains written approval from the Department. In addition, operators have a duty to enclose the outdoor play area / playground with a fence that is a minimum of 4 feet high and secured to the ground. A proper fence will help prevent children from wandering out of the secured play area. The playground area shall be maintained in a manner that protects the health, safety, and welfare of the children. Many personal injuries result from improper or inadequate ground services. As such, Arizona law requires that a child care facility have a shock absorbing rubber material or, in the alternative, 6 inches of of a nonhazardous material like loose sand or wood chips under swing sets and other play equipment. These materials help cushion falls and, thereby, help prevent personal injuries to children playing in the playground area.

Published on:

By Sara J. Powell, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Arizona child care facilities / day care centers must comply with regulations and procedures set forth in the Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) Title 9 Health Services – Chapter 5 – Department of Health Services – Child Care Facilities. It is important for child care facilities to know, understand and follow these rules and regulations. Children are far less likely to suffer from serious personal injuries if the operators and owners of these licensed child care facilities are in compliance with the Arizona Administrative Code and related regulations. You can review these important code provisions at Arizona Administrative Code – TItle 9 – Chapter 5. Laws do not always make sense and are often times subject to interpretation by an attorney and Judge. You should consult with an Arizona child injury attorney / lawyer if you have questions about a personal injury suffered by your child in an Arizona child care facility / day care center.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


Over this summer, there have been many reported deaths, injuries, and incidents involving children left in cars by parents, caregivers, and day care centers. The New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers and the Department of Children and Families are partnering to promote a child safety awareness program of the dangers of leaving a child unattended in a vehicle. The theme of the program is “Not Even for a Minute”. This is a great phrase to use and actually very practical advice. Be consistent and diligent with your children. Always supervise them and do not leave them alone in a vehicle. When unsupervised or unattended in a vehicle, a child can suffer injuries related to hyperthermia (extreme heat), hypothermia (extreme cold), strangulation (by seatbelts, power windows or other objects), choking (small objects including coins), and other injuries. You can read more about the New Jersey safety awareness program at New Jersey Automobile Retailer Group to Promote Child Safety Awareness.

Published on:

By J. Rock Palermo, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


A day care center in Baton Rouge Louisiana was recently shot down by the State of Louisiana Department of Social Services. Damiyn McElveen, a 3 year old enrolled in the day care center, was found dead inside the day care center’s van this past week. Investigators believe that the toddler was mistakenly left in the van on a hot summer day in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. An full investigation will be conducted as to the circumstances and staff members responsible for the incident. In hot summer months, it is especially dangerous to leave any child unattended in a vehicle. Regulations and procedures were not followed. Otherwise, Damiyn McElveen would not have died in the day care center’s van. You can read more about this story at Baton Rouge Louisiana Day Care Center is Shut Down by the State of Louisiana.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


There are a number of web sites and tools that can be used to calculate the distance between cities in the United States. Finding out the general distance between cities is helpful in planning trips, finding a doctor, finding an attorney / lawyer, and for many other tasks. I found that the web site Geo Bytes has an easy to use format / tool that makes it easy to find the distance between two cities. Wherever you travel when you drive, make sure to buckle up, obey the speed limits, and be alert. Text messaging and e mails can be used by passengers but not the driver. Get to your destination safely and then text message and e mail your friends and family.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network


A valuable resource to moms across the nation is a website called The website offers a place for moms to offer advice and get advice. It also allows moms in communities throughout Florida and the rest of the United States to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings on a wide variety of parenting and mom related issues. From Florida to California to Maine and all points in between, you can find moms like you who are ready, willing, and able to help you with parenting and mom issues that come up in every day life. As a father / parent and husband, I now the value of moms and how much they know. When thousands upon thousands of moms congregate together to make their lives and the lives of others a better place, everybody wins. Check out and go to your local community site. Get involved and active for a smarter today and a better tomorrow.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

education%20school%20day%20care%20yellow%20school%20bus%20toy%20antique%20side%20view.jpgIn New Hampshire and other states, school bus drivers have a duty to provide for proper safety and supervision of children. Children should not be left unattended or unsupervised at any time. This procedure or policy is part of the policy manual for many school districts and school boards as well as for many private bus companies. These policies are in place because children who are left unattended or unsupervised on a school bus are at higher risk for serious personal injury In Sommersworth, New Hampshire, a 3 year old boy was left unattended on a school bus while the school driver ran errands. The child was locked on the bus and left alone for 45 minutes. The school bus driver was later disciplined for the terrible lapse in judgment. Fortunately, the child did not suffer any serious physical injuries from being left on the bus. You can read about this story at New Hampshire 3 Year Old Left on Bus While Bus Driver Ran Errands.

Published on:

By David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

boy%20walking%20with%20backpack.jpgIn Delaware, day care centers are required to train and properly supervise child care providers to make sure that children are cared for in a safe environment. Delaware day care centers are regulated by the State of Delaware – Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families – Delacare – Requirements for Day Care Centers. What requirements apply as to the reporting of abuse and neglect? Under the Delacare regulations, a day care center must have each employee sign a statement that clearly defines child abuse and neglect. Under Delaware law, a day care worker must report all incidents of child abuse to the Division of Child Protective Services. A day care center in Delaware must have written procedures / policies in place for the handling of suspected child abuse or neglect inflicted or committed by an employee of the day care center. The procedures must also include provisions for the termination of an employee involved in a founded incident of child abuse if continued employment would put children at risk.

Published on:

By Stephanie F. Brown, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney

Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

State%20Map%20Georgia.jpgThe website in Atlanta is under investigation by law enforcement agencies for its use as a child prostitution site. A non-profit child advocacy organization claims that in February, 2009, 176 girls were advertised on Craigslist in Atlanta, Georgia. The FBI has filed charges against two individuals for taking nude photographs of a 17 year old girl and then uploading them onto Craigslist. According to the FBI charges, the two individuals who were charged worked for two days as a prostitute, providing her earnings to the two individuals who have since been charged.

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