By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network

Be Good to People is a company and concept created by Kris Wittenberg who lives in Eagle, Colorado. What in the world is “ Be Good to People“? It is a simple but clever reminder for people to do good things for others. As I understand it, it is kind of like the concept of Pay It Forward. Do good things just for the sake of doing good things. In our busy world around us, some times we forget about others and how important it is to do good for our friends, neighbors, colleagues, co-workers, acquaintances, and, yes, strangers. As noted on the Be Good to People website, “it’s performing simple acts of kindness and recognizing others for their ‘Good’.” A portion of the profits from this company will be used to recognize others who are doing good. I recommend that you visit the Be Good to People website, Facebook, and Twitter to find out more about the message of this company. Go ahead and buy a T-Shirt or Mug and help spread the message. I am not a paid spokesman and do not stand to benefit by any sales to this company in any way. I just liked the message and wanted to help Be Good to People get the word out.