What if a Child Suffers Injuries Related to an Overdose of Benadryl or Other Medications at a Day Care Center?

By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog
In Texas and other states, commercial trucks and semi-tractor trailers are common on the streets, roads, and expressways. Due to the size of these trucks, it is important that the truck driver take all proper and necessary safety precautions for the safety of other drivers and passengers who will travel on and through the same streets, roads, and expressways. One measure that should be taken is to inspect the vehicle before departure to make sure that the height and width of the truck can safety travel under and through all bridges and overpasses. For instance, if the truck is equipped with a boom or crane, it is vital that the boom or crane is lowered and otherwise secured that the truck is safe for travel through all roadways on the intended itinerary. If there are any objects that are too tall or wide for safe travel, there can be disastrous consequences, accidents, crashes, personal injuries, and wrongful deaths.
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
The recent death of a young child in the Louisiana unlicensed day care center sparked a debate about which day care centers should be regulated. Under Louisiana’s current system, a day care center which cares for less than seven children exclusive of family members of the day care center operator is not required to obtain a license. Because of this, smaller day care centers are operating under the radar and oversight of state and local regulations are still operating legally. When a day care center is not licensed as required OR not required to be licensed by the state, it is common to see unqualified staff members hired, facilities that are disrepair, and supervision that falls to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the children enrolled in the day care program.
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Here is a simple but important question: Should day care centers provide constant care and supervision during sleep time or nap time? The answer to this question is Absolutely Yes! That’s right the answer has an exclamation point at the end because it is so important that child care centers and day care centers have trained staff in place that recognize the risk and dangers during nap time and sleep time for infants and toddlers. Without any child of child care training, one would think that the safest place for a child or a baby is in a crib during sleep time. The truth is that many children every year suffer personal injuries and even die during sleep or nap time due to inadequate supervision, improper sleep position, and the presence of blankets, stuffed animals and other soft objects left in the crib or sleeping area.
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Child Injury Lawyer NetworkIn Missouri and other States, parents rely on day care centers to provide reasonable and secure supervision so that parents can attend to their jobs and other commitments. Unfortunately for some infants and children in day care centers, their needs are neglected to the point that serious personal injuries and even death result while in the day care center. One commonly overlooked time of danger involves nap time or sleep time at the day care center. Infants are at risk for injury while in nap time or sleep time. This statement should be repeated and bolded. Infants are at risk for injury while in nap time or sleep time. For children under the age of 2 years old and other children needing special assistance, direct supervision is recommended due to the risk of suffocation, asphysiation, and / or SIDS (Suddent Infant Death Syndrome) incidents. In addition to direct supervision, day care centers should take steps to clear the sleeping area of pillows, soft objects, blankets, and any other items that can be a hazard for sleeping infants. At the beginning of nap time, the sleeping area may be safe; however, all it would take would be another child to toss a simple stuffed animal into the crib or sleeping area to create a hazardous situation. This is just one reason among many to have direct supervision in place for infants in a day care center during sleep time or nap time.
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
A question that is often posed to a Personal Injury Lawyer is a follows: