Articles Posted in Attractive Nuisances
Should Swimming Pools Be Banned at Family Day Care Centers? Risks to Children
There is a common risk to children in the form of swimming pools. Without proper supervision and safety devices like pool gates, fences, and alarms, children – especially toddlers – are at risk for drowning. In Australia, a coroner / medical examiner recommended that pools, spas, and other water hazards be banned at family day care centers. This recommendation follows the investigation into the death of a toddler – Lachlan Mitchell. The coroner opined that a swimming pool presented an unacceptable drowning risk to children. While the coroner’s recommendation is not being adopted by the local child licensing agency, the recommendation aptly points out the significant risks posted by swimming pools in small day care centers as well as any day care center for that matter. Yes, a swimming pool can be a wonderful activity to small children enrolled in a day care center. Furthermore, teaching small children including toddlers how to swim can be quite beneficial as an essential life and survival skill for children.
A ban on swimming pools in day care centers can be seen by the day care operators as a drastic move or a somewhat draconian law. Nevertheless, absent a ban – there will always be some risk by having a swimming pool on premises at a day care center. Adult supervision is key. While gates, locks, and alarms all serve a purpose, there is no substitute for the proper, ongoing, and constant supervision of the children enrolled in the day care center. It is well known that swimming pools are attractive nuisances to children. In other words, children see the pool as a big playground and adventure rather than a danger. Furthermore, children especially infants and toddlers have poor to no safety awareness when it comes to swimming pools and other waterways. In addition to adult supervision, gates should be installed and maintained. In addition, alarms should be put in place to alert day care center staff members when a child is in or near the pool area. Video surveillance would also be helpful in detecting the presence of children in the pool area and in making sure that the children are properly supervised.
According to the United States Center for Disease Control, there is an average of about 3,500 fatal unintentional drowning deaths per year. This is the average for the time period between 2005 and 2014. Children under the age of 14 account for 1 in 5 of these deaths. Furthermore, for every child who drowns – there are statistically 5 more children who are seen in an emergency room for non-fatal drowning related personal injuries.
What are the Duties of Business Owners, Restaurants, and Property Owners as to Oil Traps, Grease Traps, and Other Areas on Premises?
There are common types of personal injury accidents or incidents that take place just about every day in any given geographic region – playground accidents, automobile accidents, bicycle accidents, and day care center incidents. Then again, there are the not so common incidents that seem to be rare or one of a kind incidents. Whether an accident or incident is common or rare, the same elements apply to establish a legal case or claim against another person, business, property owner, or government entity. Here are the elements:
Breach of Duty;
What is One Potential Dangerous Condition in or Near Bounce House or Inflatable Play Areas? Answer: Concrete.
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog

What Actions Should be Taken to Prevent Drownings and Near Drowning Incidents?
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Blog

What is the Liability of a Summer Camp, School or Day Care Center Regarding Falls from Stairs or Escalators?
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Open Windows in Homes, Schools and Day Care Centers Pose Risks to Children
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
A common element in many homes can cause significant risk of injury to a child – the open window. Every year – over 5000 emergency room visits are reported that were necessitated when a child fell out of a window of a building. The Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio collected research and reported on the dangers of falls out of windows and resulting personal injuries to children. The danger can be easily removed by having window guards installed in the home, school, day care center, and other location frequented by children. It is also vital that adult supervision is provided in these settings. See Falls from Windows Cause Injuries to Children.
Hoax by Second Grader Leads to Safety Measures – Storm Drain / Manhole Cover
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
In Detroit, Michigan, a second grader reported to city firefighters that her friend fell into a open storm drain that had no cover on it. Firefighters sprung into action to search for the missing girl. Rescue crews lowered two firefighters into the hole to continue the search. As it turns out, the report by the second grader was a fib or a hoax. The friend who supposedly fell into the storm drain was found safe somewhere else. The manhole / storm drain cover was replaced and the area is now a bit safer. While no one was harmed, the report did utilize the services of Detroit’s firefighters who may have been needed in another emergency somewhere else. See Girl Caught in Storm Drain is a Hoax.
San Francisco Middle School – Students Consume Poison Mistaken for Candy
By Scott A. Marks, Attorney and David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
According to authorities, seven middle school students in San Francisco, California, were taken to the hospital after they ingested rat poison, which they mistakenly took for candy. The incident occurred at Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle school. A student told a parent about ingesting a blue cube found atop of filing a cabinet. A teacher later contacted poison control. Although the students showed no symptoms, they were taken to the hospitals for precautionary reasons. School officials say the incident is under investigation. To read more on this story please see Middle school students taken to hospital after ingesting rat poison mistaken for candy.
Water Safety Tips for Kids and Parents
By David Wolf, Attorney
Published by Child Injury Lawyer Network
Both spring break and summer are just around the corner, so now is a great time for parents and children to refresh their water safety skills. Planning ahead can make a day at the beach, pool or water park fun and relaxing for everyone.